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精密醫療器材製造授權 ISO 13485 醫療管理系統證書

As we know, there are strict requirements on precision medical device manufacturing. For Dongguan Bole RP&M Co., Ltd, achieving ISO 13485 certification is not just about compliance. After passing manufacturing authorization ISO 13485, we are becoming a very trustful medical device (components and parts) supplier. High overall quality of precision medical device manufacturing. Capable of delivering high-quality products that meet stringent regulatory standards.

If you are looking for a machining supplier with a medical management system certificate, come to Bole RP&M Co., Ltd.

精密醫療器材製造授權 ISO 13485 醫療管理系統證書

The ISO 13485 certificate (PDF) is for downloading as below:

About ISO 13485 Medical Management System Certificate

ISO 13485 is an international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS) specifically for organizations involved in the design, production, installation, and servicing of medical devices. The standard is designed to ensure that medical devices consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements.

Key Elements of ISO 13485 Authorization

Quality Management System: Establishes a framework for managing quality throughout the organization.

法規遵循: Ensures that products meet applicable regulatory requirements, which is critical in the healthcare industry.

風險管理: Emphasizes the importance of risk management throughout the product lifecycle, from design to post-market surveillance.

Documentation and Record Keeping: Requires comprehensive documentation to demonstrate compliance and facilitate audits.

Continuous Improvement: Encourages organizations to continually improve their processes and systems to enhance product quality and safety.

Importance of ISO 13485 for Precision Medical Device Manufacturing

Market Access: Manufacturing Authorization ISO 13485 is often a prerequisite for entering international markets. It demonstrates to customers and regulators that the factory adheres to recognized quality standards.

Enhanced Customer Confidence: Certification assures clients that the factory is committed to quality and safety, which is crucial in the medical device industry.

Risk Mitigation: Implementing a QMS helps identify and mitigate risks associated with manufacturing processes, reducing the likelihood of product recalls or failures.

Operational Efficiency: The standard promotes efficient processes and waste reduction, leading to cost savings and improved productivity.

法規遵循: For companies operating in the medical field, adhering to ISO 13485 helps ensure compliance with various national and international regulations, thus avoiding legal issues.

Continuous Improvement Culture: The focus on continual improvement fosters a culture of quality within the organization, leading to better employee engagement and morale.

競爭優勢: Being ISO 13485 certified can differentiate a precision machining factory from its competitors, attracting more clients looking for reliable partners in medical device manufacturing.


快速原型製造是一組技術,用來在打造工具之前,使用 3D 檔案快速製造實體零件或組件的比例模型。

5 軸加工

快速原型製造是一組技術,用來在打造工具之前,使用 3D 檔案快速製造實體零件或組件的比例模型。

CNC 加工

Bole CNC 加工服務。200 台先進的 Fanuc 3 軸和 4 軸 CNC 機床。高精度。高品質。高生產力

CNC 車床加工

Bole CNC 車床車削服務。9 台自動車床和車銑複合 CNC 機器。豐富的機器與專業的工程師


Bole 鈑金加工服務。專業工程師處理 CNC 沖孔、雷射切割、折彎、金屬沖壓、焊接和組裝。


Bole 真空鑄造服務。聚氨酯鑄造。我們擁有 2 台真空機,可生產最大尺寸為 1000 x 800 x 800 mm 的模具。

3D 列印

Bole 3D 列印服務。我們提供 SLA、SLS 和 MJF 服務。快速列印複雜的產品。各種技術




Bole 壓鑄服務。高精度、優良的表面光潔度、快速生產、高強度、低孔隙率、可回收利用

